Saturday 15 December 2012

Minutes from November 14, 2012

General Lake Parent Council Meeting
Wednesday November 14, 2012
MINUTES recorded by Mrs. Perras

Welcome and Introductions
Attendance: Guylaine Lapierre, Erin Morawiec, Adelle Bemister, Lindsay Allan, Rowana Brown, Stacie Godin, Claudia Major, Sarah Perras, Robin VanHoof, Debbie Legault, Lizanne Lacelle
Regrets: Karen White, Andrea Robb
Welcome to Mrs. Lapierre new member
Welcome to Mrs VanHoof non teaching staff representative.

Minutes reviewed- motion to accept (Mrs.Bemister), seconded (Mrs.Perras)–motion passed
Agenda-motion to accept (Mrs.Allan), seconded (Mrs.Godin)- motion passed

Old Business
Mme Spencer (feedback for swimming, skating, curling)
     Postponed next meeting
Teacher’s Wish List
Book fair wish lists will be extended, Ms. Lacelle will forward lists to Mme. Major

School Council Blog Link
Adelle is continuing to work on this

Recommendations are put forward for possible MASC presentations for the 2012-13 school year. The council agrees upon a goal of four presentations and a budget of 3,000 is forwarded by Mrs.Bemister and approved by Mrs. Morawiec.
Mme.Lacelle will select from the council’s recommendations a list of possible performances which the council will then vote upon at Dec. meeting.

Get Involved Forms - Mme Major received a good amount of ‘’Get Involed’’ forms back. Some parents did express to Mme Major that they did not received the form.
Ms.Legault will re-notify all parents about the Get Involved form during the weekly Synervoice.

Parent Involvement Symposium (update) Very good turned out
A resume of the event will be send electronically by Mme Major

New Business
Treasury Report
The current un-reconciled balance is 16,397.55. Motion to accept Treasury Report approved (Mrs.Moraweic), seconded (Mrs.Brown).

Principal’s Report
Mme. Lacelle comments on the success of the PIC Symposium.
Mme.Lacelle responds to questions regarding proactive fundraising for the future school’s playground. There is discussion as to an appropriate fundraising goal and timeline as well as special considerations, such as accessibility.
Mme.Lacelle informs the council of the two new Smart Boards that have been installed in rooms 9 and 11. She expresses her goal to increase the amount of SmartBoards and ELMOs within the school. The council proposes using funds raised by the Christmas Gift and Craft show for this purpose. This sum will be matched with existing school funds and a portion of Mme.Lacelle’s budget.
Information is provided regarding the School Improvement Plan, a triangular method of assessment known as COP which uses
Mme.Lacelle will consult the Principal at Pine Crest school to develop cooperative fundraising plans. These plans will then be discussed at future council meeting.
The motion is approved by all.

Mme.Legault outlines the activities that will take place for Anti-Bullying week. The dates are November 19-23rd. On Wednesday, workshops will be conducted for the grade 7-8 students as well as a presentation for grade 3-6 students. Thursday will be Pink Shirt day that will include an assembly and visit from the Lumber Kings.
For this year’s Character Champions program, Mme.Rattray and two students will attend and determine an initiative for the school.
The possibility of having a presentation by Jeremy Diaz from Jer's Vision is presented to the council. Tentative months of February or April are considered and fundraising for donations for the organization are considered for future.
Destination Imagination event held on November 2nd was successful and the grade 4 and 5 classes will participate in Ottawa in the spring.
Christmas concert has a tentative date of Thursday December 13th from 12-2pm.

Informative Letters to go Home
An informative letter will be drafted by Mme Major and sent home with students to better inform parents of what the School Council is and how they can get involved.
Anxiety in Children & The Challenges of Parenting in Today’s World (PRO Grant)
1.Proposal of using the PRO Grant to host a Phoenix Centre presentation for parents regarding Childhood Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders. There is discussion that the event will be open to all residents of Petawawa, be held in the month of February in the evening. A second presentation, “Challenges of Parenting Today” is considered for Education and Mental Health week in May.
2. Possibility of using the Parent Involvement Grant to help fund this event as well as asking Pine Crest Public school to get involved in funding.

Committee Reports
Lamontage 2012
Lamontage was a successful event. Over $12,000.00 and 55% of this amount is coming back to the school.
Minor adjustments are to be made to two parents.

Gift and Craft Show
Originally the event was hosting 28 tables, the number has changed to 26 but profits remain the same. Mrs.Godin reports that the event has been advertised and has adequate amount of volunteers.
Set up to take place Friday from 3-7pm. Show runs Saturday from 10-4, with additional preparations beginning at 9am.

Public Comments
Mrs. Moraweic inquires as to fundraising for school trips.
Mme Lacelle advises to hold the funds and continue to talk about the possibility of field trips at each month’s meeting.
Pamphlets from the Elementary Teacher’s Federation of Ontario, “A Message to Parents from Public School Education Professionals,” is distributed to council. To be reviewed by council at their earliest opportunity

Mme.Major motions for adjournment, seconded by Mrs. Moraweic, 7:30 pm

Minutes from October 10, 2012

General Lake Parent Council Meeting
Minutes recorded by Mr Morawiec – October 10, 2012

Welcome and Introductions
Attendance: Adelle Bemister, Karen White, Jennifer Wiertel, Debbie Legault, Claudia Major, Lizanne Lacelle, Rowana Brown, Erin Morawiec, Lindsay Allan, Stacie Godin
Regrets: Sara Perras, Sandra Spencer

Minutes reviewed – motioned to accept by Jenn and seconded by Adelle – motion passed
Agenda- motion to accept by Jenn and seconded by Claudia motion passed

Old Business
1. Zumba
This was carried over from previous meetings - $500 has been allocated for this activity but it was decide to schedule in Jan/Feb to coincide with spirit week. The contact/instructor is Jennifer Gerroir.
Mme Lacelle will be responsible for scheduling this in 2013.
2. Teacher wish list
A memo had not been distributed to staff as of yet. This will carry over for discussion next meeting.
Ms. Legault will send out information to staff.
3. School Council Blog
Adelle is continuing to work on this.
4. Funds for SMART board
The school currently has 6 and has ordered 2 more. There is sale and boards are currently approximately $4500 (including training and installation). The focus last year was on grades 3 and 6, and this year, the boards might go to grade 2 and 4 classrooms. After speaking with other schools, Lizanne noted that the library is not the ideal location for a SMART board. School council has already transferred some money to the school fund for technology. Erin motioned the school council contribute up to $3000 to fund one of the new boards. Rowana seconded. Motion passed.
Adelle will draft letter and send to Claudia who will forward this information to Shirley for the money transfer.

New Business
1. Dates for School Council meetings
The following dates were chosen for meetings:
November 14, December 12, January 16 (tentative depending on the dates of Literacy week), February 13, March 20, April 17, May 15, and June 12. Jenn motioned to accept these dates, seconded by Adelle. Motion passed.

2. Treasury Report
The current unreconciled balance is $6720.29.

3. Principal’s Report

  • 1. PA Day – staff worked in teams to co-plan. Plans are aligned with the School Improvement Plan with oral communication as a focus in the Primary division and communicating about thinking in Math for the Junior/Intermediate Division.
  • 2. Commerce Press – For about $175 the school can receive a subscription to 9 magazines – French and English. Lisanne will forward a list of possible magazines to Claudia. This will be paid form the school budget, not school council.
  • 3. Additional Insurance – This is for special events.
  • 4. Progress Reports – These are to be sent home November 12 with the PA Day of November 16 set aside for Parent/Teacher conferences.
  • 5. Halloween for Hunger Food Drive – This initiative is continuing for the month of October.
  • 6. Remembrance Day Peace Celebration – November 9
  • 7. Anti-Bullying Week – Nov. 12-16 – more info to follow
  • 8. Destination Imagination – 4 classes will do a challenge training day on October 17. Small groups will be chosen after that.
  • 9. Rebecca Paulsen from the Phoenix Centre will be attending the staff meeting and may attend the school council meetings in November. Claudia will look through this information and bring forward anything that needs to be discussed at a future meeting.

4. Parent Involvement Committee Symposium
The PIC Symposium is November 3rd at Fellows High School. Elizabeth Manley will be the keynote speaking addressing Mental Health and depression. More information to follow. Information will be distributed to all students when it becomes available.
5. Masc
It was discussed about supporting Masc (drama) presentations again this year. Decisions about this were deferred to the next meeting when members had a chance to go through the possible presentations.
Claudia will forward the link with information about Masc.

Committee Fundraising Reports
1. Lamontagne
There is one week left in the campaign. The company donated 480 granola bars to the school for the nutrition program. We will need volunteers for distribution of items when product is shipped to the school.
Claudia will organize volunteers.
2. Gift and Craft Show
This event is scheduled for November 17 from 10-4, set up November 16. We have 35 tables available for rent. There needs to be 20 paid vendors by November 2 or the event will be cancelled.
There will be a complimentary coffee table with some items donated by Lake Studio.
There will be door prizes and we will charge a $1 entrance fee. There are currently 21 potential vendors but we are awaiting school board approval of the contract. The book fair will also be open during this time, but if customers are just coming to the book fair, they do not need to pay entrance fee. Erin motioned that $150 be given to the gift and craft show committee for set-up fees and float. It was seconded by Karen. Motion passed. The next organizational meeting for this event will be Thursday October 25 at 6pm in the school library. Jenn is the main contact for this event.

Jennifer motioned that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Karen.

Minutes from September 17, 2012

General Lake Parent Council Meeting
Monday September 17, 2012
MINUTES recorded by Mrs. Perras

Welcome and Introductions
Attendance: Karen White, Adelle Bemister, Lindsay Allan, Rowana Brown, Stacie Godin, Claudia Major, Sarah Perras, Debbie Legault, Lizanne Lacelle
Regrets: Jocelyn Pachal, Erin Morawiek, Jennifer Wiertel, Mme Spencer

Minutes reviewed- motioned to accept by Mme.Major, seconded by Mrs.White–motion passed
Mme. Lacelle presents Agenda-motion to accept (unrecorded), seconded (unrecorded)- motion passed

Election for 2012-2013 year held. Claudia Major elected Chair , Adelle Bemister elected treasurer, seconded by Karen White. Sarah Perras elected secretary.

Mrs. Lacelle suggests electing a co-chair throughout the year to shadow Mme Major. Community Representative position remains available.

Old Business
Paint for Playground
With gratitude to the Major family, the playground has received paint upgrades over the summer including the addition of some new games.
Mrs. Major has extra paint left to add more games or re-touch after winter. Council agrees to save paint for re-touches. Council suggests rules for the games should be printed and made available to the students.

Parents Reaching Out Grant
Mrs. Major announced that the Reaching Out Pro Grant was approved. This ministry supplied funding will be used to host an event centered on the topic of Mental Health for children. Mrs Major has been in contact with the Executive Director of the Phoenix Centre Mr.Gregory P. Lubimiv.
Mrs. Lacelle states that she would like to make this event open to all parents in the community.
Plans for this event are in motion, will be discussed further in future meetings.

Bulb Donation for Community Living
Mrs. Lacelle shares a letter that the Parent Council received in gratitude from Community Living for the donation of the Lily bulbs, which were left over from the spring fundraiser.

Voting members versus non-voting members
Mrs. Major proposed a quorum for this school year which will consist of the members present at the meeting regardless of the actual members in the council.
All members voted in favor. Also the group agrees that the agenda could be emailed to all council members in advance so that if there is an issue of importance to a member that is unable to attend they may write a motion to be presented.

New Business
Principal’s Report
i.School year is proceeding smoothly, number of students approximately 400. High numbers in some classes, including the full-time Eng. kindergarten class, will result in some shuffling for students in kindergarten, grade 1,2, and 3. One new teacher will be hired to assist with these changes which will occur within two weeks.
ii.E.Q.A.O scores are presented to the council. General Lake’s scores have risen 11%, exceeding the Board and province standards in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics for grade 3 students. Grade 6 standards surpass standards for Reading and Math but is slightly below in Writing, scoring a 71 in comparison to a board and province standard of 74.
iii. Open House event

Some ordered items for the school are still in transit.
Due to all classrooms now being used, the school council will need to relocate some items such as cabinets which were being stored upstairs.
Mrs. Lacelle is thrilled that an emphasis on focused work in the classroom, character building, and a positive environment in the school have led to such high academic results. She also stresses that increased communication with parents and the inclusion of a CERT teacher helped level two students to achieve higher goals.
Mme Lacelle would like to begin this training again immediately.

Treasurer’s Report
Mrs.Bemister explains to the new council how the school’s funds are organized. She provides the 2011-2012 financial report and reports an opening balance for the 2012-2013 school year of approximately $6,000.

Date for next meeting
Wednesday, October 10th from 6-7pm in the school library.

General Lake BlogSpot
i.Mrs Bemister suggests that a separate blog should be linked to the regular school blog specifically for student council information. This idea is agreed by all.
ii.Mrs. Bemister also inquires as to whether the treasury report should be included and Mme. Lacelle agrees.
iii. The school website should now feature a link to the blog.
Mrs. Bemister and Mrs. Major will create the new blog.
Mrs. Allan offers to check to make sure the link is available and that the comment section on the blog is open to the public.

Committee Reports
i.It is noted that a fundraising committee must be organized. Mme. Lacelle suggests this committee holds independent meetings to discuss fundraising initiatives.
ii. A tentative date is motioned for the Gift and Craft show, Saturday November 17th. The PA day on Friday the 16th will allow vendors extra time for preparation.
iii. Mrs. Godin, Mrs. Brown, Mrs.Bemister and Mrs. Major volunteer to assist with the Gift and Craft show.
iv. Mrs. Bemister suggests having the teachers fill out wish lists indicating which fundraising options they would like to see.
Mrs.Major will contact Mrs.Wiertel to set up a meeting to plan this event.
This motion is approved and a memo will be drafted by Mme.Lacelle
v. Mme Lacelle suggests the possibility of fundraising for a SmartBoard for the library.
The committee will look into gaining donations and fundraising for this item. Mme.Lacelle also mentions the possibility of meeting funds raised with budget funding.

Public Questions
Mrs. Perras inquires about the Breakfast for Learning program. The program has not begun as of yet.
Mrs. Legault will organize a student group to wash and distribute fruit bowls.
Mrs.Major, Mrs. Bemister, Mrs. Perras, Mrs.Brown, Mrs.Allan, and Mrs.White all volunteer to pick up items from Moncions if required.

Meeting adjourned 7:30 pm.